
We are Catalytic, a social change institute.

We create experiential learning journeys that are designed to help ​you catalyze system change.

Our programs cultivate radical imagination, transform leadership, and ​amplify your agency.

the challenge

A flourishing future is within reach, but how do we accelerate its ​arrival?

Existing systems perpetuate ecological destruction, inequality and ​geopolitical tension.

To move forward, we need to reimagine our societies, master the ​levers of systems change, and challenge the status quo.

our vision, mission, values

We envision a world where empowered movements create lasting ​change, ensuring a flourishing future for all. Our mission is to equip ​the leaders who are building and leading these movements - whether ​within organizations or communities - with the tools & skills to drive ​systems change at the necessary scale and pace.

Everything we do is grounded in optimism, courage, inclusivity, ​collaboration, and a relentless focus on impact.

Radial Circle Lines
brighter futures
Way finding to

our offer



Designed for top leadership ​teams, this program focuses ​on cultivating the visionary ​leadership and strategic ​thinking necessary to guide ​organizations through ​complex transitions. Inner ​growth for outer impact.



System change ​accelerators

This immersive and ​multisensory experience ​blends visioning, systems ​thinking, and leadership ​development, fostering the ​capacities needed to imagine ​and catalyze lasting change at ​both the individual and ​collective levels.

Geared towards change ​agents, program teams, and ​movement leaders, this ​program equips participants ​with the tools, frameworks and ​advocacy strategies to ​navigate and transform ​complex systems.

Free flowing lines


Our learning journeys are designed to provide the space to think ​beyond the conventional, help you craft strategy based on vision, and ​collaborate to turn long-term goals into real-world outcomes.

We do that based on these three ingredients:

sy​stem change fluency

ne​w social imaginaries



We combined the three ingredients into a methodology that ​addresses the fundamental question: how to truly drive change?

The methodology is new, but draws from old and sometimes even ​ancient sources. We integrated practices from artists who can see ​what is possible for our world, system change practitioners that shift ​power and influence, and leadership approaches essential to drive ​the change.



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Former Global Forest Director and Executive Director of Greenpeace ​Mexico, mobilizing millions to preserve our planet's precious ecosystems. ​Former Managing Partner at THNK School of Leadership, where she designed ​and facilitated transformational leadership programs. Read more.

Seasoned social entrepreneur, who worked with partners on five continents ​on reimagining society. Co-founder of agency Dr. Monk, international public ​speaker, community curator, and board member of a range of organizations ​in the impact space. Read more.

Jacob Marshall

Trailblazing multisensory artist, offering us the gift of awe and beauty in all ​his creations. Jacob is kindness personified, with superconnector skills that ​allow visionary ideas to become solid initiatives. As the bridge between many ​communities, he transforms the social soil we thrive on.

Nick Demeris

Musical composer and master facilitator, Nick’s presence creates a field of ​connection, meaning, and possibility. A lifelong student of both ancient ​traditions and contemporary challenges, he embodies a unique blend of ​insight. If there were a global Minister of Culture, it would be Nick.

Marie-Therese Png

Brilliant researcher and advocate, Marie-Therese seamlessly bridges high-​level academia, policy, industry, and local communities. She intuitively ​weaves together themes of AI governance, decolonial theory, and climate ​justice, honoring us with deep knowledge and direction.

Jaime Westendarp

Jaime is pioneering the field of impact experience design. With a playful yet ​profound mind, a gift of gab, and a deep understanding of how stories break ​or heal systems, she transforms every gathering, narrative, and fireside ​encounter into the heartbeat of a movement.

Jonathan Olinger

Film director and force of nature, Jonathan’s track record of what visual ​storytelling can do for social change is unparalleled. His vast international ​experience, creative genius, and moral courage elevate every project he ​touches.

Hae-jin Marshall

Otherworldly experience artist and guide. Blending wisdom with wit, she ​leaves an enduring mark on everyone she encounters. Hae-jin’s analyses are ​razor-sharp, her words as precise as a poet's verse, her work medicine for ​the world.

Our advisory board:

David Snellenberg

Down-to-earth yet iconic founder, creative director, writer, strategist, and ​father. His most recent endeavour, DAWN (acq), an award-winning B-corp for ​strategy and ideas.

Ama van Dantzig

Bridge builder between the realms of art and social enterprise, linking Europe ​with Africa, and merging knowledge with artistry. In her various roles, Ama ​poses critical yet compassionate questions that drive real progress.

Fatima Denton

Director of United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa ​and renowned expert on natural resource management, policy development, ​and a just climate transition. Fatima’s thought leadership is compelling and ​widely respected.

Kumi Naidoo

Prominent South African environmental justice activist and former leader of ​both Amnesty International and Greenpeace International. Kumi champions ​'Artivism', a powerful blend of art and activism to inspire change.

Rajiv Ball

Lecturer at Haas School of Business, partner at THNK and former partner at ​McKinsey, Rajiv works at the intersection of business strategy and leadership ​development.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I ​can hear her breathing.”



While Catalytic is pretty new, its founding team brings a wealth of ​experience. We have worked with the below partners on leadership, ​strategy and social innovation:

contact us

Phone: +31623898616

Email: hello@catalytic.agency

Office: Catalytic, Tolhuisweg 2, 1031 CL Amsterdam

Sign up for email updates, here. And find us on LinkedIn, here.